“Fun Facts About Facebook…”

“Log On To Facebook…”

I’m guessing there’s more than a 50-50 chance you’re already signed onto Facebook. (Not yet? Oh man, where have you been??)

  • As of July 2010, there are more than 500 million users active on Facebook.That’s nearly half of the world Internet population! This is an amazing exponential growth as just the year before, Facebook doubled MySpace’s social network count, which stood at 100 million users.
  • The number of unique applications on Facebook has gone well into hundreds of thousands. Some smart authors have become millionaires from selling applications, while others leverage to build their business.
  • Today, the average Internet user spends 4 to 6 hours on Facebook alone! Now you know where to find your customers as that’s where they likely spend most of their time.
  • The day Facebook introduced Facebook Ads changed everything for marketers and business people alike. Now the power to target any customer you want, and at anywhere in the world, is at your fingertips!

As said, the possibilities are endless. But this begs the million dollar question:

#facebook, #internet