Few Modern Facebook Best Practices 2015

Facebook Best Practices

few Modern Facebook Best Practices: 2015

Facebook has changed – a lot.

It’s no longer in its infancy. It has matured and is now in the teenage phase, constantly updating its look and its friend groups to maintain its popularity.

You, as a Facebook Marketer, need to be updating with it. When it dyes its hair purple or starts wearing nail polish on only one hand, you need to follow suit (because this cool kid is a powerful friend to have).

But how do you make sure you’re as tight with Facebook as possible? How do you make sure Facebook will share your content, let you talk to your own Friends?

How do you make sure you’re getting as much out of this relationship as Facebook is?

In this post I’m going to share with you 7 modern day best practices to ensure that you’re still in the “in crowd” on Facebook.

Check it out!

1. Utilize Facebook Page Insights

Facebook Insights is an incredible tool that will help you gain valuable information about the people who Like your page. You’re able to see the demographics of your fans by gender, location and age range.

Not only can you see the insights of your Fans but specifically you can look at those Fans who are most engaged with your page and your content. For Wishpond, for instance, you can see that the majority of our fans are in the age range 25-34. Knowing this will help you when you’re targeting (see how to do this in the next section).

You’re also able to see, from week to week, how you’re doing in comparison to the previous one.

Another really cool feature of Insights is the ability to see how you’re doing compared to you competition. This allows you to determine if you need to change your approach (if they’re doing better than you) or pop champagne if you’re kicking their ass.

2. Target the right audience on each post

With the information gathered on Facebook Insights you’ll be able to target your posts and make sure they’re shown to the people who want to see them.

Each Facebook post you share on your Facebook Page can be narrowed down by segment of your Fans.

Here’s how I target posts on Facebook:
  • Gender, Relationship status, Education, Age: Our post engagement isn’t affected by these targeting capabilities, though could be really effective for brick-and mortar or ecommerce businesses.
  • Location: The majority of people who’re engaged with our page are from the US. India is third and Canada fourth.
  • Language: We have dedicated English, Spanish and Portuguese customer support specialists. Therefore I target the language to those three even though all of our posts are in English. Why? So that even if someone has their language setting to Spanish or Portuguese they’ll potentially see my posts and traffic to a site that can work with them.
  • Interests: Your target Interests may vary based on the type of content you’re sharing. For example, as a SaaS company that creates simple marketing tools, we will always want to target marketers. However, if I was sharing this article (for instance) I’d also want to target those who are interested in Facebook ads, Facebook marketing etc. It’s important to note that it will target each interest individually. Therefore the more interests you pick the larger your target audience will be. Here’s what my Interest targeting might look like for this article (you’ll understand why by the end of it).

  • Post end date: Post end date is great if you’re posting something like a webinar. If you post about your webinar on the Monday and the webinar is on the Wednesday you could set your post end date for when the webinar starts.

3. Incorporate videos into your posts

In case you didn’t hear, video posts are getting way more organic reach (and engagement) than any other type of post on Facebook.

Why is this happening?

While I can’t be 100% sure, I think it’s a combination of two things: Firstly , Facebook will have done extensive customer feedback and questionnaires, determining that their users want to see videos more than they do images, links, or text posts (so they’ll genuinely be rewarding Pages which post that content).

Secondly , Facebook favors posts that keep a Facebook user on Facebook rather than taking them to an external link. This just makes sense. Facebook want posts that ensure users remain on the platform (where they can see more ads, equalling more money in Facebook’s pocket).

How does this work?

When you upload videos directly to Facebook (don’t use Youtube – remember, that’s an external link) they automatically start to play but without sound. I’ve seen our engagement double for video posts over any other type of post.

Best Practices for making a Facebook Video

Captivate your target audience within the first three seconds without sound: This means be as visually appealing as possible. Include things like: graphics, movement, colors, signs and anything that will make the video visually grab the attention of a Facebook user in their News Feed. It needs to be captivating enough to get someone to stop and press the volume button in the bottom right corner.

Include a call-to-action: Facebook allows you to create a call-to-action that will appear at the end of the video. You can insert any link, a landing page, your blog etc. Make sure it’s directly related to the video. Keep in mind that your call-to-action will not appear until the end.

Your video should be able to speak for itself: Does the main message come across in the video or is audio necessary in order to get the gist of the message? Again, if possible use visuals to communicate your message.


4. Create a series of Facebook ads aimed at the same goal

Facebook recently ran an experiment which examined the difference between sequenced (what I’ll be explaining in this section) and non-sequenced ads (one ad at a time):

“Among those who were exposed to the sequenced ads compared with those who were exposed to the non-sequenced ads, there was an 87% increase in people visiting the landing page.”

Showing a series of ads around the same goal is essentially telling your target audience a story to pique their interest. They might not like the first ad but over the series of ads they’ll be more likely to see an ad that resonates with them.

Best practices for creating an ad sequence:

Determine a single goal : The goal you choose can be anything from a specific product to a designated landing page. For this example we’ll say that you’re looking to drive traffic to a landing page that offers a free trial of your products.

Create a series of at least 3 ads. Depending on your target audience you would show different ads based on how far along they are in the sales funnel.

For example if they had no idea who your company was but they were interested in similar companies it would go like this: Ad #1 : Brand awareness, Ad #2 : Key benefit of your product, Ad #3 : An ask to start free trial. At any point they could click your ad and be directed to the same landing page but if you do it in three stages you’re warming them up.

Source : https://www.facebook.com/business/news/Multi-Product-Ads-and-Enhanced-Custom-Audiences-from-your-Website

5. Use Facebook’s Multi-Product Ads in your retargeting strategy

Facebook multi-product ads are like dynamic Google Ads but better. This is because the ads will look and feel the exact same as a Google Ad but because of the slew of information Facebook has on its users, the ads will allow for better targeting.

Facebook multi-ads allow you as an advertiser to show up to three products in a single ad on desktop or mobile.

How does this work?

You set up a bit of code on your website so you can track which pages a person went to on your website. A person comes to your website and they visit different pages but never purchase anything. Next time they go back to Facebook they’ll be shown different items they viewed on your website in a carousel-style advertisement.

For example, let’s say you have an online travel site and a person searched for three different destinations to visit but they never book a flight. You could set up a multi-product ad of the three destinations (with pricing) to remind them of the flights they looked at with the headline, “Last minute deals to your favorite destinations” and the CTA “Book While Prices Last.”

6. Facebook content needs to be familiar, timely or novel if you want it to be shared

It doesn’t matter if your post gets a ton of reach if you’re not creating posts that people want to click. You need to create a variety of posts, with different lengths of headlines, pictures or videos that strike an emotional chords and links that are valuable to your target audience.

Not sure what to post? Here are some guidelines for creating the right type of post on Facebook:
  • Familiar content: This is catering to people’s emotions. Humanize your posts so that people are able to relate. One post we recently used was aslideshare on Seinfeld quotes that related to online marketing. There has been a resurgence in the popularity of all things 90s recently (timely as well) and we used this to evoke nostalgia and familiarity with our Fans.
  • Timely content: Look at what’s trending and use relevant hashtags so that when people search for something they’ll find it on your Facebook Page. Just make sure that you know the full story before creating your posts in case you’re not using the content in the right way.
  • Novel content: When you create original posts, Facebook users will feel more excited about clicking on your post and engaging with your business. Try using a new tone, format or something that is in stark contrast to your competitors to stand out.

7. Run a Facebook Contest with a specific goal in mind

Running a contest on Facebook is a great way to nurture existing relationships and get awareness of your business to spread like wildfire.

Here are some specific contests you can run for contest goals:
  • Get new emails and leads by running a sweepstakes contest : This is the lowest barrier to entry and therefore the quickest way to grow your list. Combine it with a prize that is relevant to your business and you’ll get leads that like your products.
  • Grow brand awareness with a photo contest : A photo contest will encourage your entrants to share with their friends and family so that they’ll win your contest. You’ll also be getting extra leads.
  • Keep your fans engaged by running a vote contest : Take two or three of your most popular items and get people to vote on the one they like best. Award a winner by random.


There you have it, 7 new ways that you can utilize Facebook in your social media marketing strategy. Have you been keeping up-to-date with Facebook as it’s changed over the years?

Are there any new Facebook best practices you’ve found work? Start the conversation below

#facebook, #internet

Promoting Business through Facebook

Facebook Basics

Facebook can help you to reach all of the people who matter most to your business

If you’re looking for a general overview of how to use Facebook to help your business grow, these fundamentals will set you up for success. You can also focus your activity on Facebook to meet specific business goals.

1. Set up your Page

Create the hub for your business on Facebook

Your Facebook Page makes your business:
  • Discoverable: When people search for you on Facebook, they’ll be able to find you.
  • Connected: Have one-to-one conversations with your customers, who can like your Page, read your posts and share them with friends, and check in when they visit.
  • Timely: Your Page can help you to reach large groups of people frequently, with messages tailored to their needs and interests.
  • Insightful: Analytics on your Page will give you a deeper understanding of your customers and your marketing activities.
When you set up your Page, you can request a web address such as “facebook.com/yourgreatcompany”, which makes it easy to find. To maximise the impact, include this address on your business card, website and other marketing materials.
Remember: Your Page is an extension of your business. It’s an easy way to share updates and more with the people who matter most. It’s ready to help you engage your customers on desktop and on mobile.

2. Identify your audience

Think about who you’d like to meet, and introduce yourself

Not only can you reach more people through Facebook, you can reach the specific people who are most likely to become your customers.
To help you connect, consider:
  • What do your ideal customers have in common?
  • How old are they and where do they live?
  • How can your business help them?
  • Would one group be more interested in specific messages, products or services? A sale or a timely offer?
To build your audience, encourage your current customers and supporters to like your Facebook Page. They’re the people who are most likely to see your posts in their News Feed. Also, explore the options under the Build Audience button:
  • Invite your friends: Let the people in your life know about your Page so they can support you by liking it. This initial audience helps you to establish credibility and spread the word straight away.
  • Share your Page – and make sure you like it yourself. Be a spokesperson for your business.
  • Invite your businesses contacts: Upload a list to send people an email so they know about your new Page.
Remember: It isn’t about the number of likes. It’s more important that you genuinely connect with the people you engage with on Facebook. If you do, they’ll help tell your story.

3. Create compelling content

Make your business come alive on Facebook

As you post updates, photos and more, think about what your customers find interesting and inspiring. Experiment with different kinds of posts. Does your audience love photos or prefer it when you share useful links? You’ll find out quickly by looking at your Facebook Page Insights.
  • Be authentic: Share what you’re genuinely excited about and your customers will be excited too.
  • Be responsive: When people comment on your posts, show that your business is listening and that you care. If you need more time to answer a question, let them know that you’re looking into it.
  • Be consistent: The more regularly you post, the greater an opportunity you have for connecting with people and building trust. Setting a schedule for your posts can also help to maximise your team’s time.
  • Do what works: Replicate your success on posts that get more engagement.
  • Make successful posts into successful promotions: When you notice that a post is getting a lot of engagement, promote it to reach even more people. When people like, comment on or share your posts, their friends are also eligible to see those posts in News Feed.
Remember: Your recipe for success is to create Page posts and adverts that are interesting and valuable to your customers – and to target your messages so that the right people see them.

5. Measure and adjust

Find out what’s working well so you can maximise the impact of every post and advert

Facebook has a lot of different tools to help you measure how you’re doing.
  • Your Page Insights will keep you up to date on activity on your Facebook Page.
  • Use Page Insights to understand who responds to your messages. Make sure that you look at the gender, age and location of the people who are the most engaged with your business so you can continue to engage them through targeted adverts and promoted posts.
  • When you create your adverts, try out different images and headlines to see what works. Facebook will automatically optimise your campaign so that more of your budget goes to the advert that’s performing the best.
  • Ask how people heard about you – at the end of a call, in a survey or at the point of sale – and keep track of what they say. It will supplement the data Facebook’s tools provide.
Remember: Marketing your business is all about helping you achieve your goals.

#facebook, #internet

How Do I Make Money From Facebook… Exactly?

“How Do I Make Money From Facebook… Exactly?”

If this is not your first time attempting to monetize from Facebook, I’m guessing you’ve done one or more of the following before:

You tried posting up ads using the Facebook Ads feature… and you got back mediocre results. You experienced a gazillion impressions with very few click throughs let alone sales!

You tried creating a group or a fan page and you can count your members with your fingers, even after inviting your existing friends on Facebook (with a lot of them clicking the “ignore” button!)

And when you message the few members you had scrambled to get them to “like” your group or fan page, the response is far from being poor!

Maybe you also tried creating profiles or pages for your business in an effort to sell your merchandises or digital products. And you tried to get the word out by tagging your FB friends to notes, photos, videos, and whatever else you can tag them to. Only to be labeled a spammer! And thus your popularity dropped before the night.

Can you relate to any of the above mention statement?

Look, I believe in a few fundamentals to success. For one, if you do mediocre work you should expect to get mediocre results in return.

Conversely, if you take specific steps, you will get more specific results that can deliver a deep impact to your overall bottom-line.

This is not just applicable to using Facebook to propel your current business venture. It’s about how you do anything and thus how you do everything. Posting up ads blindly and simply setting up a group or fan page with no specific goals is not going to cut it.

#facebook, #internet

“Fun Facts About Facebook…”

“Log On To Facebook…”

I’m guessing there’s more than a 50-50 chance you’re already signed onto Facebook. (Not yet? Oh man, where have you been??)

  • As of July 2010, there are more than 500 million users active on Facebook.That’s nearly half of the world Internet population! This is an amazing exponential growth as just the year before, Facebook doubled MySpace’s social network count, which stood at 100 million users.
  • The number of unique applications on Facebook has gone well into hundreds of thousands. Some smart authors have become millionaires from selling applications, while others leverage to build their business.
  • Today, the average Internet user spends 4 to 6 hours on Facebook alone! Now you know where to find your customers as that’s where they likely spend most of their time.
  • The day Facebook introduced Facebook Ads changed everything for marketers and business people alike. Now the power to target any customer you want, and at anywhere in the world, is at your fingertips!

As said, the possibilities are endless. But this begs the million dollar question:

#facebook, #internet

Facebook Smilies

#facebook, #internet

10 Secret Facebook Features You Need To Be Using

facebook top secret

We all use Facebook, and we all get annoyed by the miscellaneous new “features” Facebook often imposes upon us.

But what about the awesome features that don’t get as much attention?

We put together a list of our favorite Facebook features to help you take advantage of everything Facebook has to offer.

Create a group of people to hide your photos from

Create a group of people to hide your photos from
Create a group of people to hide your photos from
Using Facebook’s “Lists” feature, it’s easy to make a list of people you want to hide your pictures from.

Whether it’s parents, coworkers, or anybody else, all you need to do is put them all into a “List.” To do it, click Account in the top right corner, then click “Edit Friends.”

Click “Create a List,” then find friends and add them to your new list and name your list something you can remember. Next, click Account again but this time click Privacy Settings afterwards.

Click “Custom” in the left panel, then “Customize settings” below the chart. Scroll down to anything you want to hide, click the drop down menu next to it, then click “Custom” yet again. Yes–this takes a while. Facebook likes people to be open.

Finally, under “Hide” enter in the name of the group you just created, and you’re done. To be extra sure, go back to the top of this screen and click “Preview my Profile,” then enter the name of a person in the list you created to see how your profile will look to them.

Use these quick tips to make viewing photos a lot better experience.

Use these quick tips to make viewing photos a lot better experience.
Use these quick tips to make viewing photos a lot better experience.
Does anyone actually like the new photo viewer on Facebook?

I’m talking about the one that makes Facebook look like a slideshow.

If you hate it, all you need to do is wait for the picture to finish loading, then click refresh in your browser. You’ll be taken to the old fashioned photo page that looks like the one pictured at right.

Another useful photo-browsing tip is using your arrow keys to navigate a ton of pictures. Hold down the left or right arrow key to see your life flash before your eyes.
Remove apps you aren’t using anymore–they still have access to all your information

Remove apps you aren't using anymore--they still have access to all your information
Remove apps you aren’t using anymore–they still have access to all your information
When you install Facebook apps or permissions, the apps often get access to your wall, pictures, friends, and more.

It’s easy to change your privacy settings, but not as easy to remember that apps can still mine your information even when you’re not using them.

Click Account in the top right corner, then Privacy Settings, then “Edit Your Settings” under Apps And Websites in the bottom left of the privacy screen. Then click “Edit Settings” to the right of the Apps You Use panel.

Click the little gray “x” to the right of any apps you no longer use, and they’ll no longer have access to your information.

Enable these handy security features to make sure your account doesn’t get compromised

Enable these handy security features to make sure your account doesn't get compromised
Enable these handy security features to make sure your account doesn’t get compromised
Two features we had no idea existed (until we scoured Facebook’s settings) were the HTTPS setting and the Login Notifications setting.

If you enable HTTPS, it greatly reduces your chance of getting your password swiped when logging into Facebook on a public Wi-Fi at Starbucks.

If you enable Login Notifications, you’ll get an email whenever someone logs onto your Facebook account from an unrecognized.
Personalize your Facebook URL, making it easier for people to find you

Personalize your Facebook URL, making it easier for people to find you
Personalize your Facebook URL, making it easier for people to find you
Many people use Facebook and LinkedIn as the bases of their business lives, and it’s nice to have an easy to remember URL you can refer people to.

Click “Account” in the top right, then click “change” next to Username. Type in something you like, then check the availability to see if anyone has taken it.

Your new username will create a URL for you, facebook.com/ellishamburger is an example.

See a picture you like? Download it in full quality

See a picture you like? Download it in full quality
See a picture you like? Download it in full quality
Since Facebook switched gears to their new slideshow-ish picture browser, you can no longer drag pictures to your desktop to save them.

Screen grabbing is annoying, so look down in the bottom corner of the picture viewer and click “Download” to get a full-quality copy of the image you’re looking at.
Wish you could see all your friends’ birthdays in iCal, Outlook, or Google Calendar?

Wish you could see all your friends' birthdays in iCal, Outlook, or Google Calendar?
Wish you could see all your friends’ birthdays in iCal, Outlook, or Google Calendar?
This could be a little overwhelming for people with tons of Facebook friends they don’t talk to, but for many, this quick tip could be a big time-saver.

All you need to do is access your birthday page by clicking here, then scrolling down to the very bottom and clicking “Export Birthdays.”

Click the link to subscribe to the Birthdays calendar using your computer’s default calendar app. Or, open up your favorite calendar app and add a calendar subscription. If you don’t know how, Google how to add subscriptions for your calendar. Then, copy in the link from Facebook.

Grab Facebook’s Desktop Notifications apps to always stay up to date

Grab Facebook's Desktop Notifications apps to always stay up to date
Grab Facebook’s Desktop Notifications apps to always stay up to date

Using the official desktop notifier for Mac, you’ll get a Facebook icon in your menu bar that turns blue when you have a new notification. It’s a


Grab Internet Explorer 9 and pin the Facebook website to your taskbar. You’ll see a red asterisk whenever you have a new notification. Or, try Facebook Desktop, a more feature-packed solution.
Wish you could post to several friends’ walls at once?

Wish you could post to several friends' walls at once?
Wish you could post to several friends’ walls at once?
via Tech Explorer
All you need to do is tag friends in a post on your wall, or on anyone else’s wall. Your post will show up on every persons’ wall that you tag.

When you’re typing a status or wall post, type the @ sign and then a friends’ name. It will tag them in your post, and they’ll see it on their wall as if it were a normal wall post.

Facebook’s new Groups feature is a lot more powerful than it used to be

Facebook's new Groups feature is a lot more powerful than it used to be
Facebook’s new Groups feature is a lot more powerful than it used to be
With Facebook’s new Groups (which you create by clicking “Create Group” in your left navigation bar), you can essentially create your own listserv for a group of friends.

When you view a group, you’ll see updates from friends, have the ability to edit documents together (“Create Doc” in right bar inside your group), chat together in a private chat room, and send out updates.

Create a group for your closest friends, or for your fantasy baseball team, or for anything else. If you want to leave a group, all you do is click the little gray “x” next to its name in the left navigation bar of Facebook

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