How to Rename Internet Explorer to Firefox/Chrome Downloader


Now that Internet Explorer has officially dropped below 50% market share, it’s high time that we rename it to a more fitting title: Google Chrome Downloader, or if you prefer, Firefox Downloader.

Obviously this is a very stupid geek trick, and the reality is that Internet Explorer 9 is a very capable browser that works well. But don’t spoil our fun!

Renaming Internet Explorer to Firefox/Chrome Downloader

The first thing you’ll want to do is open up regedit.exe through the Start Menu search or Run box, and browse down to the following key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main

Once there, create a new String key on the right-hand side, call it Window Title, and set the text to Chrome Downloader, Firefox Downloader, or something else entirely.


You should probably also open up the properties pane on any IE shortcuts and change the General tab to the new text.


Next, you should change the home page of Internet Explorer to the Chrome or Firefox download page:


Awesome Results

Now that you’ve done the rename and closed all the IE windows, you can launch it again and see that the title is really changed everywhere, including Alt-Tab:


And even Task Manager:


If you’re the techie fix-it guy in your family, all you have to do is set this up on everybody’s computer, and they won’t be confused again.

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Increase Google Chrome Browser Speed


Google Chrome is the fastest Browser.Some times we notice that your Chrome is working Slow Don’t worry.Today we are going to know about how the increase the Speed of Google Chrome with this simple Tips –

Disable Extensions

Some times few extensions Cause to Dump your Browser Speed.Extensions are a part of chrome they are similar to plugin but they are not plugin.So here ate the tutorial to disable Extensions of chrome.


1) Open Google Chrome and go the Link – Just put this link in URL Bar.


2) Disable the Extensions by removing the select Icon.

Disable plugins

Plugins are third party they are needed to perform a specific action in the browser.How to disable a Unwanted Chrome Plugin.


– Open Google Chrome and go the Link  as above.


– Remove the unwanted plugins.

Clear your browsing data

So as soon as you browse any website chrome automatically collects its data and next time it will provide to give you more easier right.But some time this Data cause slow down of chrome.


Easy way to do this is.

– Click Ctrl+H at same time now you will be taken to history window.

– Now click Clear browser Data.That’s it you data will be cleared.

This are the simple tips to speed up your Chrome.

so share out this ,ROhan is here for you

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Troubleshoot Google Chrome Not Opening Web Pages or Settings


After much trial and error, I found the solution in the Compatibility Settings of Google Chrome.

After much trial and error, I found the solution in the Compatibility Settings of Google Chrome.

Remove Compatibility Settings for Google Chrome

1) Right click on the Google Chrome icon

2) Click on Properties

3) Click on the Compatibility tab

4) Uncheck the box for “Run this program in compatibility mode”. In most particular case, the compatiblity mode was set for WindowsXP

5) Click on OK

6) Open Google Chrome again and try to open a web page or the Settings menu, It should now work.

In case this does not solve the problem, you may have to try some of the other suggestions in the top of the article regarding uninstalling/reinstalling Google Chrome, recreating a new user profile, or changing the hardware acceleration options.

Remove Compatibility Settings for Google Chrome

1) Right click on the Google Chrome icon

2) Click on Properties

3) Click on the Compatibility tab

4) Uncheck the box for “Run this program in compatibility mode”. In most particular case, the compatibility mode was set for WindowsXP

5) Click on OK

6) Open Google Chrome again and try to open a web page or the Settings menu, It should now work.

In case this does not solve the problem, you may have to try some of the other suggestions in the top of the article regarding uninstalling/reinstalling Google Chrome, recreating a new user profile, or changing the hardware acceleration options.


Google Docs: Advantages and Disadvantages

Google Docs is a publically available free service that permits collaborators to jointly develop and edit documents.

Advantages of Google Docs:
1. Documents on Google Docs are saved to Google’s servers. Therefore if your computer’s hard drive crashes, you won’t lose the document that you’ve been working on.
2. Google Docs offers the feature of allowing people to view past edits.
3. Documents can be shared, opened, and edited by multiple users at the same time.

4. Google offers one of the best services for cloud computing document sharing.

5. While other cloud computing services charge fees, Google Docs is free.

Disadvantages of Google Docs:
1. Google Docs is cloud computing and with cloud computing there is no physical location of the documents shared.
2. Security is paramount to a financial adviser and many companies may prefer the idea of data stored on site where they are in control of it, rather than at a remote location where someone else is hosting it.
3. There is a lack of quality in Google Docs.
4. Starting March 1, Search will know the contents of people’s email and the videos you watch on YouTube.
5. If you use Google Docs for work, Search will know which company they work for and which industry they work

#google-2, #internet, #searchengine

Google Tips part 2


17 of the coolest hidden Google tricks

Google is awesome. Yes, there have been questions raised about its new privacy policy and creepy Safari tracking and frankly, it just knows way too much about everyone who has ever created a Google account. But let’s put that aside for a moment and focus on all its cool quirks, shall we?

They’re built into practically every Google product — if you look hard enough, you’ll find that entering the right search term or typing a code can make Google collapse, spin or create fictional characters. Here are 15 easter eggs (hidden, entertaining things developers build into a website or program) for you to discover the next time you’re Googling.

1. Walking to Mordor:


If you’ve ever watched The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (or just seen various versions of the meme) you may never stop laughing at this Google Maps quirk (or maybe it’s just me). If you try to get walking directions from “The Shire” or “Rivendell” to “Mordor” (just type in the words and ignore all the auto-complete suggestions that pop up), Google will give you the route… and a warning. In other news, according to my Google Maps, Mordor is located just outside Cape Town, South Africa. Nice.

2. Barrel roll:

barrel roll

Endlessly entertaining, this one trended worldwide on Twitter in November. Simply search “do a barrel roll” — if you have Google’s instant results functions enabled, your results page will be spinning before you’ve completed the instruction.

3. 42:


What is 42, you ask? Geez, it’s only the answer to life, the universe and everything. Ok, so if you’ve never read or watched The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, you won’t get this one. But Google’s built-in calculator will.

4. Gravity:


If, by any chance, you feeling like searching “Google gravity” and hitting “I’m feeling lucky”, don’t be surprised if Google comes crashing down around you the second you move the mouse. (Hint: you can disable Google’s instant results in your account preferences page to make sure you get the ‘I’m feeling lucky’ option).

5. Recursion:


Google pokes fun at its own “did you mean” suggestions if you search recursion(repetition or returning) by questioning your spelling even though you didn’t make a mistake.

6. Klingon:


So “GoogleDaq ylnej” means “Google search”. Hmmm. Who knew? Well, you, if you speak Klingon. Yes, there is a Klingon version of Google. There is also a pirate and Elmer Fudd version, if that’s more your thing.

7. Kerning:


Designers will love this one — kerning is the spacing between letters in a word. When you do a search for kerning, Google changes the spaces between letters in the word ‘kerning’ in all the results. Heehee. You see what they did there?

8. Hello, Nessy:

lochness monster

Picture this: You’re working under a tight deadline, your clock is slowly counting the minutes past 3AM and your coffee and Red Bull combo is failing. The sleep deprivation is starting to affect you — you are starting to see things. You click to your home page, and there, rising gracefully from the dark waves in your iGoogle theme, is the Lochness Monster.

No, you’re not hallucinating — you really did see Nessy. If you are ever awake and online at 3:14 AM (those are the first three digits in Pi, by the way), and have the iGoogle beach theme installed, Nessy will come to visit for a minute. If you’re not an insomniac, you can always just change the timezone on your computer and in your iGoogle settings and just wait until 14 minutes past the hour (I was in Bangkok last night, as far as Google knows). Unfortunately, it looks like the monster will be no more after iGoogle is retiredin November 2013.

9. Nagging Rams:


Similar to the ‘recursion’ response, if you search for ‘anagram’ (rearranging the letters in a word to make a new word or phrase, in case you didn’t know), Google rearranges the letters to suggest you were really searching for ‘nag a ram’.

10. Antarctic Penguins:


If you ever want to creep the Antarctic on Google Maps, you may be surprised to find the little orange peg man you drag and drop to change to Google Street View has transformed into a fat little penguin. Awwww.

11. Doodles:


What do you get if you don’t actually search for anything, and just hit ‘I’m feeling lucky’? A catalogue of all the Google doodles — all the way back to 1998. There were just three in that year — there have already been 69 in 2012.

12. Konami ninja:


If you type in the Konami code (a cheat code used in Konami games) in Google Reader, the side panel will turn blue and a cute ninja will appear on the left of your screen. Use your arrow keys and keyboard to enter the code — it’s up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, followed by the letters B and A. Like iGoogle’s Nessy, this one is going away after Reader is retired in July 2013.

13. Street View team:

street view

Ever wanted to see the people who work at Google doing cool things like Google Street View? Well, if you hop along to the back of the Google offices in Mountain View, you can see them all.

14. Laundry:


There are a lot of things Gmail can do for you — filter spam, flood you with ads, apply a plethora of pretty coloured labels to your messages — but, as yet, it can’t do your laundry.  However, it is an option on the ‘suggest a feature’ page for Gmail.

15. Pacman:


It started out as a Google doodle to commemorate the 30th anniversary of Pacman in 2010, but the Google Pacman game was so popular, it was given a permanent home.

16. Zerg rush:

Zerg rush

Google “zerg rush” and prepare to defend your browser against hordes of the letter ‘o’ in Google’s logo, which will start to destroy your search results. They’re apparently undefeatable, but you can try to fight them off by clicking on them and share your high score on Google +. For those who aren’t familiar with StarCraft, a ‘zerg rush’ is a tactic where swarms of aliens known as ‘zergs’ descend in multitudes in order to overwhelm their enemies.

17. You’ll never find Chuck Norris

Chuck Norris google

Because Chuck Norris jokes never get old, there is a warning hidden in Google search results to ward off those who dare to attempt to find him. Just search ‘find Chuck Norris’ and hit ‘I’m feeling lucky’ and you’ll see what I mean.


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Google search: few hidden features

Google is used by millions of people to navigate the web every day, but how many of us really put it through its paces? The Techkhabarsite digs out a few of the search engine’s hidden gems.

1. Calculator

Google’s calculator function is far more powerful than most people realise. As well as doing basic maths (5+6 or 3*2) it can do logarithmic calculations, and it knows constants (like e and pi), as well as functions like Cos and Sin. Google can also translate numbers into binary code – try typing ’12*3 in binary’.

2. Site search

By using the ‘site:’ keyword, you can make Google only return results from one site. So for example, you could search for “” and only get stories on by Rohan Chataut

3. Conversions

Currency conversions and unit conversions can be found by using the syntax: <amount> <unit1> in <unit2>. So for example, you could type ‘1 GBP in USD’, ’20 C in F’ or ’15 inches in cm’ and get an instant answer.

4. Time zones

Search for ‘time in <place>’ and you will get the local time for that place, as well as the time zone it is in.



5. Translations

A quick way to translate foreign words is to type ‘translate <word> to <language>’. So for example, ‘translate pomme to english’ returns the result apple, and ‘translate pomme to spanish’ returns the result ‘manzana’.

6. Search for a specific file type

If you know you are looking for a PDF or a Word file, you can search for specific file types by typing ‘<search term> filetype:pdf’ or ‘<search term> filetype:doc’

7. Check flight status

If you type in a flight number, the top result is the details of the flight and its status. So, for example, typing in BA 335 reveals that British Airways flight 335 departs Paris at 15.45 today and arrives at Heathrow Terminal 5 at 15.48 local time.

8. Search for local film showings

Search for film showings in your area by typing ‘films’ or ‘movies’ followed by your postcode. In the UK, this only narrows it down to your town or city. In the US this is more accurate, as results are displayed according to zip-code.

9. Weather forecasts

Type the name of a city followed by ‘forecast’, and Google will tell you the weather today, including levels of precipitation, humidity and wind, as well as the forecast for the next week, based on data from The Weather Channel.

10. Exclude search terms

When you’re enter a search term that has a second meaning, or a close association with something else, it can be difficult to find the results you want. Exclude irrelevant results using the ‘-‘ sign. So for searches for ‘apple’ where the word ‘iPhone’ is not used, enter ‘apple -iPhone’.

11. Public data

To see trends for population and unemployment rates of different cities and counties, type ‘population’ or ‘unemployment rate’ followed by the location. So for example, typing ‘unemployment rate uk’ returns the answer 7.7 percent, and shows a graph of unemployment rates over the last 10 years

12. Related search

To search for web pages that have similar content to a given site, type ‘related:’ followed by the website address into the Google search box. For example, typing ‘‘ gives a list of other UK newspaper websites.

13. Package tracking

If you have a package tracking number from the USPS, UPS or FedEx, simply plug it into Google Search and it will provide a convenient link for you.

14. Define

Google’s dictionary function allows you to type define:term and get definitions of words. So a search for define:discombobulated tells you that it is the past participle, past tense of discombobulate, which means to disconcert or confuse.

15. Barrel Roll

Simply type “do a barrel roll” into the search bar and Google dutifully obeys. Warning: this Google trick is known to make grown men squeal with delight.

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