RankBrain is the newest A.I. system to respond to a series of queries. In June, Google trained a computer to have conversations with people by asking it questions about technical support, common knowledge and philosophy. It was called “conversation model” and was developed by research scientists at Google Brain.[1]

The research scientists used a sequence-to-sequence framework in the exercise, which converses by predicting what the next sentence will be in a dialogue. The device predicts what the next question will be by drawing upon data provided by IT helpdesk manuals, book quotes, subtitle data bases and more.[2]

For example, during a technical support question, the machine was able to diagnose why the browser of a computer crashed. It was then asked a wide range of questions, some of which were common, while others, profound.

The computer registered fairly good results when asked about common knowledge questions, such as recognizing who Luke Skywalker was, whether a cat can fly and whether the sky was blue.[2]

On the other hand, the computer had mixed results when it came to answering existential questions pertaining to the human condition. For instance, when the computer was asked what the purpose of life was, it responded, “to serve the greater good and to live forever.” Nevertheless, when the machine was asked to provide a definition of morality, it responded, “I don’t have ethics.”[2]

The machine had trouble identifying with human emotions too. It stated having a child was immoral. When pressed to provide a definition of altruism, the machine seemed confused and replied, “If you don’t believe in God, you don’t know.”[2]

It also failed to answer simple math questions and claimed that a spider has three legs.

Preliminary trials aside, RankBrain is now the third most important signal which determines what search results a user views.




#robo-language, #robotics-2, #science, #technology

A social-dancing Robot with Arduino and MQTT

The goal was bit optimistic for the time given, but still, using also some additional time until the end of the event (hackathon took place on the 1st day), I managed to build the social-dancing Robot that was demonstrated during the closing of the event:

The idea was to make the robot more IoT-enabled and interactive with the audience. So, I built a webpage that runs on a smartphone and gets events from the tilt sensor of the phone and delivers a dancing command to the robot through MQTT. When more than 2 people use the webpage and tilt (dance with) their phones, the command changes, and the robot performs a different-better type of dance.

#robotics-2, #science, #technology

PLEN2 is the world’s first printable, open-source robot

Say hello to your new robotic sidekick. 

R2-D2. GERTY 3000. Marvin. K-9. Jinx. These are just a few of the most well-known robotic sidekicks that super geeks like us have come to love over the years. Soon, PLEN2 may join the ranks of these memorable sci-fi characters, with the only difference being actual use in the real world. Whether you’ve ever wanted someone to go to class in your place, to break the ice with an attractive girl at the bar, or to fetch your morning cup ‘o joe, you’re in luck.

Launched on Kickstarter by Japan-based PLEN Project Committee, the 3D-printable, humanoid robotic kit consists of a control board, servo motors and other electronic accessories that allow Makers of all levels to put together themselves. What’s more, you don’t need any technical knowledge or special tools in order to bring your open-source PLEN2 to life.


3D data for the main components of the robot are provided free of charge, and with the help of a 3D printer, users can customize the data as well as make their own original parts. Upon completion, the easy-to-manuever and highly-agile humanoid stands approximately 7.87” tall, weighs just over 21 ounces and boasts 18 degrees of freedom. Designed to mirror its human counterpart, PLEN2 aspires to revolutionize the relationship between homo and robo sapiens. To help spur this adoption, the project’s creators have made its kit super simple to assemble, personalize, and of course, use.


The robot’s command center is built around an Arduino Micro (ATmega32U4), and by employing some open-source software, can be programmed to meet any Maker’s wants and needs. PLEN2 is equipped with 24 RC servo motors, 1Mb of on-board EEPROM and an RS-485 communication port in both its control and head board. The head unit also comes standard with a BLE113 Bluetooth Smart module and a six-axis motion sensor, while PWM will drive the LEDs that PLEN2 uses for eyes.


Gadget-lovers can take pleasure in knowing that each PLEN2 can be customized not only in color and design, but in the way that it is controlled as well — this includes by iOS or Android smartphone, facial expression, gestures, myoelectrics and brainwaves, among countless other input methods.


Not only for leisure activities, the humanoid can play an integral role in both educational and medical settings. A wide-range of uses cases include communicating with others in your place, carrying small items around, throwing a pickup game of humanoid soccer, as well as improving medical rehabilitation. What’s more, it can help entice children to pursue STEM disciplines and enable them to experience the joy of making things themselves.

As to whether this project takes off, or if you decide on programming a PLEN2 of your own, one thing is certain: Its theme song will get stuck in your head. Consider yourself warned…

…We told you so. Interested in learning more? Head over to its official Kickstarter page, where its team is currently seeking $40,000. If all goes to plan, you can have can have a PLEN2 alongside of you come November 2015.

#internet, #plen2-is-the-worlds-first-printable-open-source-robot, #robotics-2, #science, #technology

Alpha 2 is the humanoid robot you’ve always wanted

Awesome …………….

Atmel | Bits & Pieces

A small robot with a big brain.

After watching Robin William’s title role in “The Bicentennial Man” (1999), did you dream of having a humanoid robot of your own? One that walks, talks and performs various duties, just like a member of the family? Well, the time of having your own “Bicentennial Man” is almost here. Meet Alpha 2, the smart humanoid robot by Shenzen-based startup UBTECH Robotics.


UBTECH founder and CEO James Chow has devoted his career to creating intelligent robots for family use. With Alpha 2, Chow and his team of experienced robotics experts deliver a smart and interactive humanoid with social skills and practical household service. It’s easy to underestimate this small and cute robot as a toy, but Alpha 2 is touted to be smarter than your smartphone.

Alpha 2 is an all-in-one companion, personal assistant, tutor, in-home nurse, housekeeper and more. Using his Internet-connected brain with face and…

View original post 319 more words

Artificial Intelligence program has the language skills of a four-year-old

Language is a distinctly human, innate mental structure. It is a prime example of a mental algorithm, which strings words into new combinations by plucking them from a memory bank. Recently, scientists have replicated this mental algorithm by developing an artificial intelligence (A.I.) software, which has the language skills of a four-year-old.

The machine mirrors the way a human brain functions. It was given 1,500 sentences from literature about language structure. It then drew from these words in order to sew new conversations together as the machine spoke with people.

The sentences didn’t flow out of the program naturally, but had the occasional hiccups of a typical A.I. program. The researchers claim the computer, dubbed Artificial Neural Network with Adaptive Behaviour Exploited for Language Learning or ANNABELA, had the language capacity of a four-year-old.


While having a dialogue with an adult, ANNABELA was able to churn out 500 sentences. The computer reflected the way children learn to speak by listening to their parents and understanding how words are used in specific contexts.

According to Dr. Bruno Golosio, a computer scientist at the University of Sassari in Italy, “The system is capable of learning to communicate through natural language starting from tabula rasa (blank slate), without any a priori knowledge of the structure of phrases, meaning of words, role of the different classes of words, only by interacting with a human through a text-based interface, using an open-ended incremental learning process.”

“It is able to learn nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronouns and other word classes, and to use them in expressive language,” he added.

What is unique about ANNABELA is that instead of having a pre-coded knowledge of language, as is the case with other speech recognition programs, the machine starts off with a blank slate. Researchers from the University of Sassari in Italy and the University of Plymouth in the UK orchestrated the system by weaving together two million artificial neurons.

It is hoped this artificial tapestry of neurons will enable A.I. systems to become more human-like, as portrayed in various Hollywood films. ANNABELA reflected the brain’s plasticity, which refers to the brain’s ability to form new connections between neurons. The brain is not cemented in time, but can morph and change throughout life.

The researchers breathed 1,587 sentences drawn from literature into the system, in order to assess the development of language in children. They asked the machine various questions a typical four-year-old could answer, such as “What is your father like?” and “How many games do you play?”


The study was published in the journal Public Library of Science One. The researchers claimed the system learned how to count, understood the concept of a friend and was able to execute personal pronouns like “her.”

Cognitive scientists are interested in understanding how language develops in order to catch a glimpse into the window of the human mind. In fact, some schools of thought even suggest we wouldn’t be self-aware in the first place without language.

In particular, a toddler develops a sense of self by executing referential pronouns like myself. It is a piece of grammatical English used to express a reflexive form. Without self-referential pronouns, so it is argued, we would be aware, but we wouldn’t be self-aware. In other words, we would be autopilot objects projecting into to the void.

If ANNABELA indeed has a sense of self, it is yet a very crude sense of self currently unworthy of the name. Nevertheless, the A.I. system is a remarkable achievement, as it illustrates that, at least, some mental structures can be replicated.



#artificial-intelligence-program-has-the-language-skills-of-a-four-year-old, #programming, #robotics-2, #science, #technology

Introducing: Our New, High-Speed Editor

We’re excited to unveil a faster, more streamlined way to create, share, and manage your content.

Source: Introducing: Our New, High-Speed Editor

Now It’s Easy To Control and Hack any type of Remote Control Device from Android Mobile

find Smart IR Remote apk on Internet free or you can download full version from Blackmart .
This app is control any type remote control Device like TV,A.C.,DVD,Set Top Box,Fan ya any type of device which can controllable by Remote Control.

This app can make clone of remote control of Devices.This is a good app for those people which have lots of remote control in his house.This is also for hacking fans,tv,and other consoles.
Smart IR Remote is the only IR remote universal app for Android that you’ll ever need: it’s smart, with a device coverage that is huge (700000 devices, with more added daily and on request), and it’s the only one that makes use of features only your phone/tablet have, that a plastic remote (like the Logitech Harmony) never will. As IR remote controls go, especially android remote controls, you’ll never find one better!

Smart Remote works with any Samsung, HTC and Medion Lifetab devices with an InfraRed Blaster, and most other brand phone/tablet with an IR Blaster that runs Android 4.4 or above provided originally by the manufacturer. Even better, Smart IR Remote also works on most custom ROMs like CyanogenMod.

Smart IR Remote is an universal smart remote control app that can command almost anything that receives InfraRed commands, like a TV, Set Top Box (cable and satellite box), DVD, BluRay player, VCR, Amplifier, Air Conditioner, AV Receiver, DSLR camera, etc. Better yet, you can combine your remotes into smart remotes (activities) so that on your custom remote you’ll have the volume buttons to your surround system, the channel buttons to control your set top box and the display buttons to control your TV. It’s the only Android universal tv remote that can do that, while controlling any other device too!

Extra Features from Smart IR Remote

AIR GESTURES – exclusive to Android 4.1-4.4 Galaxy S4
Simply wave your hand above your phone to change channels, volume, or whatever your heart pleases – it’s all configurable!
Smart Remote can now mute your TV, pause your media player, or even switch them off if you wish, all of that when your phone rings.
Group commands in batches, sort them and add delays, and then execute the series of commands one after the other. Imagine being able to turn your TV, Xbox and surround system on, switch TV to HDMI 1 all with a single tap!
Automatically execute commands or macros, when certain conditions occur: your phone rings, at a time chosen by you, when you use your phone’s Volume Buttons. Are you a Tasker fan? We have a Tasker plugin that integrates well and lets you to send commands
With both lockscreen and homescreen widgets, you’ll have your favorite just a tap away when you grab your phone. Need something even better? read on
The floating remote is a remote that stays above other apps which can be shown with just a single tap and lets you send commands even while you’re playing a game on your phone
If you switch ROMs often or need the remotes you put hard work on to be available on all your devices, you can simply make a backup once and then restore on all your other devices
RECORD REMOTES – exclusive to the HTC One due to hardware limitations in other devices
Couldn’t find your remote in our list? Simply record each button to have it just the way you want it. Opt in to share your remote so that other customers can make use of your work too!
Almost all brands in the world are supported, including Samsung, Sony, Toshiba, Panasonic, Yamaha, DirecTV (Direct TV), etc.
You can find Smart IR Remote apk on Internet free.

Heartiest Gratitute for sharing copyright with us Mr.Alok Rathaur

collected by

Rohan Chataut

With Regards


#control-and-hack, #hacking, #remote-control, #science


Android OS


I have made this report file on the topic Android ,I have tried my best to elucidate all the relevant detail to the topic to be included in the report. While in the beginning I have tried to give a general view about this topic. My efforts and wholehearted co-corporation of each and everyone has ended on a successful note. I express my sincere gratitude to everyone who aid assisting me throughout the preparation of this topic. I thank them for providing me the reinforcement, confidence and most importantly the track for the topic whenever I needed it.


Android is the first step in the vision of creating a better mobile phone. It is a complete open mobile platform software stack recently release by Google. Android can be run on mobile devices from companies that have come together to form the Open Handset Alliance. The Alliance currently consists of 34 companies including Motorola, T-Mobile and SprintNextel. These companies have agreed to open access devices. This basically means that I, as a customer, can purchase a Motorola phone with service from one cellular network then later switch carriers but keep the same phone! Android would run on Open Handset Alliance devices. It includes an operating system, middleware and key applications such as email client, calendar, maps, browser, and contacts. It also takes the basics one step further by merging contacts with maps. For example, if you have a contacts’ address stored on you mobile device you can bring up that location on a map with one click of a button. No need to open a browser, navigate to Google maps or MapQuest, type in the address and wait for it to load. What’s even more exciting about Android is that it is an open platform. You can liken it to Linux. What’s nice about this is that it’s customizable and modifiable. If you think, hum it would be cool if my PDA could perform X-Function; you have the capability to develop X-Function. You are not running a platform that prefers to keep you hands tied. You can also be assured that there will be a lot of cool and innovative tools to download for free. What is Android Android is an operating system for Mobile phones. I will explain more about this in the later part of this article.Lot of advances can be seen these days in the field of smartphones. As the number of users is increasing day by day, facilities are also increasing. Starting with simple phones which were made just to make and receive calls. Now we have phones which can even access GPS , GPRS, Wifi, NFC. and lot of other cool and advanced features which you cannot even imagine. So in this Mobile world of this complication. Android is one of those operating system platforms which made it easy for manufacturers to design top class phones.


1. Android can Run Multiple Apps at the Same Time.

2. Android keeps information visible on your home screen.Android has is a customizable home screen which keeps active widgets right at your fingertips, always accessible and always visible – without having to launch an application first.

3. Android has a better application market compare to Apple’s App because Apple’s App store has over 180,000 applications, while the Android Marketplace has only just broken the 50,000 mark

4.Android gives you better notifications compared to iPhone because iPhone has some trouble with notifications. Because it’s restricted to pop-up notifications, it can only handle one at a time

6. Android is Hardware independent.

7. Android lets you install custom ROMs.

8. You can change your settings faster in Android. iPhone users are stuck digging around in the system settings every time they want to use the internet or a Bluetooth device. Android lets you use widgets to manage your settings directly from your home screen.

9. Android does Google and Social Integration but The iPhone can do this only through use of third party apps, and is nowhere near as seamless to use as the Android alternative.

10. Android gives you more options to fit your budget. Of course these are lower end Android devices, but they are still comparable in performance to the iPhone 3GS.

11. Innovative products like the location-aware services, location of a nearby convenience store etc., are some of the additive facilities in Android


1. Connected to the Internet: Android can be said is in need of an active internet connection. At least there should be a GPRS internet connection in your area, so that the device is ready to go online to suit our needs.

2. Sometimes slow device company issued an official version of Android your own.

3. Android Market is less control of the manager, sometimes there are malware.

4. As direct service providers, users sometimes very difficult to connect with the Google.

5. Sometimes there are ads: because it is easy and free, sometimes often a lot of advertising. In appearance it does not interfere with the performance of the application itself, as it sometimes is in the top or bottom of the application.

6. Wasteful Batteries, This is because the OS is a lot of “process” in the background causing the battery quickly drains.

 Applications in Android

Android initially came into existence with the sure fire idea that developments are given the power and freedom to create enthralling Mobile applications while taking advantage of everything that the mobile handset has to offer. Android is built on open Linux Kernel. This particular software for Mobile Application is made to be open source, thereby giving the opportunity to the developers to introduce and incorporate any technological advancement. Build on custom virtual machine android gives its users the addition usage and application power, to initiate an interactive and efficient application and operational Software for your phone. Google’s mobile operating device, the android is its awesome creation in the definitive creation of Software Applications for the mobile phone arena it also facilitates the g-juice in your mobile thus initiating a whole new world of Mobile Technology experience by its customers. We at Arokia IT are technically equipped to initiate any level of these amazing software applications using the android genius from Google. Around in the year 2007, Google announced its Android Operating System and Open Handset Alliance with these two major contributions to the mobile industry that ultimately changed our experience with mobile interface.

Open Handset Alliance

Open Handset Alliance is an amalgamation of Tech Companies with common and particular interest in the mobile user enhancement experience. Companies like Google, HTC, Motorola, Samsung, Telecom Italia, T Mobile, LG, Texas Instruments as well as Sony Ericsson, Vodafone, Toshiba and Hawaii are Tech giant based on their core abilities and strengths, while keeping and pursuing the characters and goals of each company, their basic idea of this joining of hands was the feature-rich mobile experience for the end user. This alliance meant the sharing of ideas and innovation, to bring out these ideas into reality. This provided the millions and millions of Mobile users the experience that they never had. Like the Apple iphone, Android Operating System allows third party developers to innovate and create Applications and software for mobile devices. Android is an open, flexible and stable enough to associate itself with newer and newer evolving Technologies. Android’s vast range of easy to use tools and wide range of libraries provides Mobile Application developers with the means of an amazing mobile operating software to come up with the most efficient and rich Mobile Applications changing the world of millions of mobile users.

Android Application Development Services

Professonals provide a comprehensive suit and comprehensive assistance in the development of mobile application on the Android Platform to our prestigious customers. Our experts are veterans in the Java programming language and are capable to exhaust any challenge to develop feature-rich android application services. Java Programming Language is used as a basic building block and back bone for Android Application Development that allows developers to program comprehensive application on Java that runs on Android Mobile. Android’s vast range of easy to use tools and wide range of libraries, provides Mobile Application Developers with the means of an amazing mobile operating software to come up with the most efficient and rich Mobile Applications. Our development team has complete resources and technologies to make use of in developing the most acclaimed applications. Among the various Application categories developed by us on the android platform, some of them are; Communication Application, Business Application, Multimedia Application, Internet Application, Fun/Entertainment Application, Gaming Application, Utility and Security Application. We program these Applications on the customized demands of our clients. We ensure them that these specifically designed apps on the android platform are solely designed for their specific user defined criteria. Hire Android Developers at Arokia Our sound and capable Android programmers have exhibited their expertise on the global podium in the following skill sets like the Android’s Applications Framework, Android Dalvik Virtual Machine, Data Storage and Retrieval using SQLite , XML, web-services, Handle Media Support for audio and video, GSM, 3G and Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Edge GPS, Compass and accelerometer Screen Elements like View-groups, Views, Tree Structured UI, Layout and many more such android services to offer our client. Our sound and capable Android programmers have exhibited their expertise on the global podium in the following skill sets like the Android’s Applications Framework, Android Dalvik Virtual Machine, Data Storage and Retrieval using SQLite , XML, web-services, Handle Media Support for audio and video, GSM, 3G and Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Edge GPS, Compass and accelerometer Screen Elements like View-groups, Views, Tree Structured UI, Layout and many more such android services to offer our client. You will find Arokia as a one-stop source for all your functional needs while creatively unfolding the true potential and breadth & depth of imagination by our passionate programmers and designers. When you hire our Android developers, you ensure yourself with the most valued and exquisite mobile applications. Our developers can help you eliminate all types of potential risks and gain competitive advantages through their technical expertise.  Architecture  Future I’m just curious to what you guys think the future of Android will be like, especially after Apple won their lawsuit with Samsung. With that lawsuit, and Adobe eliminating Mobile Flash, I am less optimistic about the future of Android than I have ever been. The lawsuit could dramatically impact the design of Android (of course we will still have launchers to make our phone look how we want). A future change in the basic design could dramatically hurt Android. The current Icon setup is the most popular for users (Windows, Macs, iPhone, Android) but if that were to change, people may not want to keep buying Androids. Personally, I hope Samsung is able to sue Apple when the mini iPad comes out for design patents. Since Apple was able to win a rectangle with rounded corners, why can’t Samsung win the 7inch design. The mobile war lawsuits are silly and will cause all of us to pay more for future Smartphones. Then add that along with the elimination of Mobile Flash, which was a major advantage that Android had over iPhone. This is a bigger issue than just online video. Some businesses use flash for their employees to access their work material. Some colleges use flash on their websites so their students can access the course material. Personally, I go to online college and my classes are flash websites. With the elimination of Mobile flash, that will cause many of us to not be able to access our classes from our phones. The whole thing with HTML5 taking over is years from taking place, with many of the bigger video sites not planning on going to HTML5. While Mobile Flash wasn’t perfect, it was usable for many of us. Without Mobile Flash moving forward, for some of us, updating our phones or upgrading our phones for new ones will cut down on our productivity. I’m personally sad that I couldn’t keep ICS on my Bionic due to Flash not working for me. My need for flash is too great. I’m always accessing my course work from my phone and eliminating flash makes that not possible. Unfortunately, I need my phone to be as useful as possible and eliminating things that I can use it for just doesn’t work for me. While not everyone needs flash, many do. For those of us who do, future devices won’t be an option, nor will future updates to our phone. My college has an iPhone app, but not an Android app so if push came to shove, I may have to switch to an iPhone (yuck) just to be able to stay productive.


Android has been criticized for not being all open-source software despite what was announced by Google. Parts of the SDK are proprietary and closed source, and some believe this is so that Google can control the platform. Software installed by end-users must be written in Java, and will not have access to lower level device APIs. This provides end-users with less control over their phone’s functionality than other free and open source phone platforms, such as OpenMoko. With all upcoming applications and mobile services Google Android is stepping into the next level of Mobile Internet. Android participates in many of the successful open source projects. That is, architect the solution for participation and the developers will not only come but will play well together. This is notable contrast with Apple and other companies, where such architecture of participation is clearly belated..


10 tips to prevent mobile malware

VP Sales EMEA at Wandera

Now that we’ve identified the causes and challenges associated with mobile malware, how do you prevent it? By taking back control of your mobile devices and their applications.

Here are 10 tips for securing your mobile users and preventing mobile malware infections.

1. Inform users about mobile risks

A mobile device is a computer and should be protected like one. Users must recognize that applications or games could be malicious, and always consider the source. A good rule of thumb: if an app is asking for more than what it needs to do its job, you shouldn’t install it.

2. Consider the security of over-the-air networks used to access company data

Generally speaking, over-the-air (i.e., Wi-Fi) networks are insecure. For example, if a user is accessing corporate data using a free Wi-Fi connection at an airport, the data may be exposed to malicious users sniffing the wireless traffic on the same access point. Companies must develop acceptable use policies, provide VPN technology, and require that users connect through these secure tunnels.

3. Establish and enforce bring-your-own-device (BYOD) policies

BYOD should be a win-win for users and companies, but it can result in additional risk. Ask yourself: How do I control a user-owned and managed device that requires access to my corporate network? Employees are often the best defense against the theft of sensitive data. Employees using their own mobile devices must follow policies that keep the business compliant with regulatory requirements.

4. Prevent jailbreaking

Jailbreaking is the process of removing the security limitations imposed by the operating system vendor. To “jailbreak” or to “root” means to gain full access to the operating system and features. This also means breaking the security model and allowing all apps, including malicious ones, to access the data owned by other applications. In brief, you never want to have root-enabled devices in your company.

5. Keep device operating systems up to date

This sounds easier than it actually is. In the Android ecosystem, updates can be blocked a number of ways: by Google (which updates the operating system); by the handset manufacturer (which may decide to release updates only for the latest models); or by the mobile provider (which may not increase bandwidth on their network to support updates). Without the ability to update your Android OS, your device is vulnerable to potential exploits. Research mobile providers and handset manufacturers to know which ones apply updates and which don’t.

6. Encrypt your devices

The risk of losing a device is still higher than the risk of malware infection. Protecting your devices by fully encrypting the device makes it incredibly difficult for someone to break in and steal the data. Setting a strong password for the device, as well as for the SIM card, is a must.

7. Mobile security policies should fit into overall security framework

IT needs to strike a balance between user freedom and the manageability of the IT environment. If a device does not comply with security policies, it should not be allowed to connect to the corporate network and access corporate data. IT departments need to communicate which devices are allowed. And you should enforce your security policy by using mobile device management tools.

8. Install apps from trusted sources; consider building an enterprise app store

You should only permit the installation of apps from trusted sources, such as Google Play and Apple App Store. However, companies should also consider building enterprise application stores to distribute corporate custom apps and sanctioned consumer apps. Your chosen security vendor can help set up an app store and advise which applications are safe.

9. Provide cloud-sharing alternatives

Mobile users want to store data they can access from any device, and they may use services without the approval of IT. Businesses should consider building a secure cloud-based storage service to accommodate users in a secure way.

10. Encourage users to install anti-malware on their devices

Although malware exists for iOS and BlackBerry, those operating system interfaces don’t support anti-malware. However, the risk of infection is highest for Android, where security software is already available. Make sure all your Android devices are protected by anti-malware software.


Why & How to Change MAC Address

blog-privacy-pictureHide your MAC Address from hackers, government agencies, your ISP, WiFi networks, online games, and more! Anyone with the right tools can track your Internet activity if they know your MAC Address. Now you can conceal your real MAC address and bypass all kinds MAC address filters with the handy tool “Change MAC Address”!

Benefits & Features

changeMACAddress screenshot

  • Change MAC Address with just one click!
  • Generate any MAC address you prefer
  • Prevent online games from banning you based on your MAC Address
  • Clone the MAC Address of another computer. Bypass some ISP registration requirements.
  • Hide your real MAC Address from hackers, WiFi networks, and ISPs

What is a MAC address

A MAC address is short for media access control address, which is a unique identifier assigned to network interfaces for communications on the physical network segment.MAC addresses are most often assigned by the manufacturer of a network interface controller (NIC) and are stored in its hardware, such as the card’s read-only memory or some other firmware mechanism. If assigned by the manufacturer, a MAC address usually encodes the manufacturer’s registered identification number and may be referred to as the burned-in address (BIA). It may also be known as an Ethernet hardware address (EHA), hardware address or physical address. A network node may have multiple NICs and each NIC must have a unique MAC address. Although intended to be a permanent and globally unique identification, it is possible to change the MAC address on most modern hardware.

Why need change MAC address

    • A very important reason is privacy. Just like an IP address is your ID on the internet, a MAC address is your ID on the local Ethernet network. Recently, as the rise of mobile network, with WiFi & bluetooth hotspots everywhere, the privacy implications of MAC address tracking have been the subject of increasing debate.
    • When scanning for wireless networks, client devices like the laptops or mobile phones periodically broadcast identifying packets that include the MAC address. In recent years, a number of firms have taken advantage of these broadcasts to track individual devices as they move around — for example, some retail outlets use MAC address-based tracking to record the path that consumers take as they move through the store, allowing long-term measurement of shopping habits and better placement of sale materials and advertising.
    • cyber_attackNot only the merchants who provide WiFi hotspots, actually your MAC address can be seen by everyone on the local Ethernet network using many simple tools. A hacker on local network thus can track machines (and thus you) on the network, for purposes such as man-in-the-middle attacks that let them intercept users’ traffic. This is especially a threat when you are on a wireless network and are using a public WiFi network like in coffee shops, hotels or airports.
    • And according to Edward Snowden, the National Security Agency has a system that tracks the movements of everyone in a city by monitoring the MAC addresses of their electronic devices.

We recommend ordinary users like you use this handy tool to hide MAC address, it is a very good practice to protect your online privacy now!changeMACAddress screenshot
