Troubleshoot blank desktop On PC

To put it simply you have a corrupted, moved, and or missing explorer.exe file, the source behind your graphicly user interface (GUI) and your DESKTOP, ICONS, AND START MENU. This is often the cause of a virus/ Malware infection.

Heres the fixes in the order that they should be performed:

1: Try opening Windows Task manager. Do this by pressing Control+ALT+Del. If this does not work then skip to step 2. If it opens up then click on the new task button and type in “explorer.exe” (without quotes of course). If this restores your desktop then your good to go! Have fun, and thanks for reading. However if this does not work but your task manager worked then start a new task called cmd.exe and go to step 3 (skip 2, thats for people who have no task manager).

2: Restart windows in Safe Mode With Command Prompt by cycling the computers power and pressing F8 repeatedly when the first screen comes up. When the choice menu comes up, choose “Safe Mode with Command Prompt” and move to step 3.

3: If you’ve gotten to here then I have some bad news: your explorer.exe has been damaged, moved or deleted, not simply turned off. The good news is that you can still fix it easily! heres what you’ve got to do. In Command prompt (which you should have open) type this command exactly:

cd %systemroot%\i386

It should take you to that folder, and once you are there type in:

expand explorer.ex_ %systemroot%\explorer.exe

Voila! You have replaced your explorer.exe with a (hopefully) healthy one!

To run it simply type:

start %systemroot% explorer

Your Problem should now be fixed. If you are still having problem then you will only have two other choices 1) Do a system repair if you have your Recovery CDs or 2) Format and Reinstall the entire Operating System with either your Recovery CD or Recovery Partition (however, give us a call before you do this so that we can recover your data before you lose it).
